Title of the Topic(Downloads) |
Date of Upload |
Most urgent & important Circular: APNMC-Beware of Fraudulent/fake Calls on the name of APNMC- Reg. | 14-03-2025 |
APNMC - RESULTS - MERCY CHANCE EXAMINATION 2024 HELD ON 15.12.2024 | 04-03-2025 |
AISHE-DCF-III upload on or before 05-03-2025 | 27-02-2025 |
Most Urgent:APNMC-Nursing Schools & Colleges of Nursing in the State of AP-faculty details-Final notice till 28.02.2025- Reg. | 27-02-2025 |
Revised Circular - upload AISHE - DCF III for 2023-24 on or before 05-03-2025 - reg | 27-02-2025 |
Most urgent notice to ANM-GNM Intensified Inservice candiates for Registration Certificates - Reg. | 02-01-2025 |
APNMC :Important Circular about ANM-GNM Intensified Course - Issue of Registration Certiificates - Reg. | 26-12-2024 |
Govt of India - Inviting appls for National Florence Nightingale Nurses Awards 2025 - Reg. | 23-12-2024 |
Important Notice : APNMC - Mercy Chance Examination 2024 - Hall Tickets issued - Reg. | 13-12-2024 |
APNMC-Mercy Chance Exam Dec 2024 -Further Extension for last date to receive application by 10.12.2024 till 5pm - No further extension will be given - Reg. | 06-12-2024 |
APNMC - Mercy Chance Examination Dec 2024 - Extension for last date to receive application by 05.12.2024 till 5pm - No further extension will be given - Reg. | 03-12-2024 |
APNMC - Appointment of Auditor - Quotations called for from the Chartered Accountants in Vijayawada - Reg. | 26-11-2024 |
APNMC - Mercy Chance Examination Notification Nov 2024 - Eligible candidates to write the exam - Application & Fee details - Mandatory to submit the declaration from Head of the Training Institution - submit on or before 02.12.2024 by 5pm - Reg. | 22-11-2024 |
APNMC - Nursing Institutions - Guidelines for Enhancement to 250 seats - Reg. | 20-11-2024 |
APNMC - Nursing Institutions in the State of Andhra Pradesh - Periodical Inspections - Important update for continuous validity who fall in 2024 - apply to Council immediately for further validity- Reg. | 30-10-2024 |
APNMC - Nursing Institutions in the state of Andhra Pradesh - fake documents and fabricated G.O.s as produced by the Nursing Institutions - Urgent & Serious Notice -Reg. | 23-09-2024 |
APNMC - Mercy Chance Exam - list of candidates with insufficient submission of documents - Circular to candidates to submit on or before 30.08.24-Reg. | 19-08-2024 |
Most Urgent - APNMC - Show Cause Notice - Pending Schools of Nursing having validity on or before 2023 - contact APNMC on priority - Scheduled date - Reg. | 05-06-2024 |
Revised Circular :INC - APNMC - Mercy Chance Examination -Extension of date to submit the applications by 10.05.2024 - Reg. | 01-05-2024 |
Most urgent: Circular - APNMC - BCLS training for all the outgoing Inservice Nurses of GNM Intensified course trained in 8-Government Schools of Nursing in the State of Andhra Pradesh - Reg. | 23-04-2024 |
APNMC - Mercy Chance Examination - circular for extension of time period to submit applications - Reg. | 19-04-2024 |
Prof. K. Susila-Joined duty as Registrar, APNMC on 01.04.24-after availing EL who went USA for a period of 30 days from 28.02.23 to 28.03.24-Reg. | 01-04-2024 |
Most Urgent Circular: APNMC - Aayushman Bharat Digital Mission - Health Professional entry - Mandatory to all the Regd Nurses/Midwives/ ANMs/MPHW(F)s to enrol in Health Professional Registry - Reg. | 21-03-2024 |
Most Important: Extension of last date for submission of National Florence Nightingale Awards 2024 - Reg. | 04-03-2024 |
Imp. Circular - Appointment of I/C Registrar from 28.02.2024 to 28.03.2024 - Reg. | 04-03-2024 |
Imp. Circular - Appointment of I/C Registrar from 28.02.2024 to 28.03.2024 - Reg. | 04-03-2024 |
Inviting Nominations for National Florence Nightingale Nurses Award for the year, 2024 | 01-12-2023 |
APNMC - List of MPHW(F) Training Institutions as on 08.09.2023 | 08-09-2023 |
APNMC - List of Schools of Nursing (GNM) as on 08.09.2023 | 08-09-2023 |
APNMC - List of Colleges of Nursing (BSc (N) - 4 YDC) as on 08.09.2023 | 08-09-2023 |
APNMC - List of Colleges of Nursing (PBBSc(N) - 2 YDC) as on 08.09.2023 | 08-09-2023 |
APNMC - List of Colleges of Nursing (MSc(N)) as on 08.09.2023 | 08-09-2023 |
NPM Inspection Proforma | 23-08-2023 |
APNMC - Nursing Students - BCLS Training - Mandatory in all the Nsg Instns in the State of AP - Initiate BCLS training issue certificates - Reg. | 23-05-2023 |
APNMC - Nursing Programmes - Periodical Inspections - validity/expiry of validity - certain instructions - Reg | 23-05-2023 |
APNMC - Prof. K. Susila, Prof. of Nursing, Govt. College of Nursing, Nellore - Taken charge from Prof. Dr. B. Valli, DD (Nsg) & I/C Registrar & Joined duty as Registrar, APNMC from 09.03.2023 A/N - Reg. | 21-03-2023 |
Nominations of the Prince Mahidol Award and Princess Srinagarindra Award , 2023-reg Inbox achala kumar | 07-03-2023 |
Inviting Nominations for National Florence Nightingale Nurses Award for the year 2023 - Reg. | 23-01-2023 |
APNMC - Calendar of Events 2022 - Reg. | 29-09-2022 |
Most Urgent:Furnish the details of I & II Year students from all the Government & Private Schools & Colleges of Nursing in the state of Andhra Pradesh - "National Deworming Day" -Reg. | 12-08-2022 |
Most Urgent Reminder:HM FW Dept. - Higher Education - APNMC - Online submission of data for AISHE 2020-21 by pending Nursing Institutions in Andhra Pradesh before 15-04.2022 - Instructions from the Government - Reg | 20-04-2022 |
Most Urgent - AISHE - Principals/Correspondents of Schools of Nursing - UPDATION OF DATA - Last date is 30.03.2022 - Reg. | 28-03-2022 |
DGHS - MOH, New Delhi - The Princess Srinagarindra Award | 24-03-2022 |
Inviting Nominations for National Florence Nightingale Nurses Award for the year 2022 - Reg. | 03-02-2022 |
APNMC - AISHE - DCF-III - Principals/Correspondents of Schools of Nursing - to Upload data in the portal - Reg. | 03-12-2021 |
Circular: APNMC - Prof. Dr. B. Valli, DD (Nursing), O/o DME, AP - Jointed and reported for duty as I/C Registrar, APNMC, Vijayawada from 01.07.2021 onwards - Reg. | 05-07-2021 |
DME - Dr. NTRUHS - APNMC - Academic - all Nursing Programmes - Information to conduct Inspections for the Academic year 2020-21 & 2021-22 simultaneously - Reg. | 30-04-2021 |
INC - National Florence Nightingale Awards 2021 - Extension of last date till 31st Mar, 2021 - Reg. | 16-03-2021 |
Imp Circular:APNMC - Mrs. B. Kumaramma, DD (Nursing), O/o DME, AP - Jointed and reported for duty as I/C Registrar, APNMC, Vijayawada on 29.01.2021 - Reg. | 04-02-2021 |
Circular - APNMC Inspections for all the Programmes - Reg. | 25-01-2021 |
Imp Notification: Integration of Mid Level Health Provider (MLHP) in Basic B.Sc. Nursing and Post Basic B.Sc. Nursing curriculum - Notification Issued. | 12-11-2020 |
Most Urgent Circular: APNMC - Examination Boards - CFW, BEGNM & Dr. NTRUHS, Vijayawada - Information - Reg | 19-10-2020 |
Imp Circular:APNMC - Smt. K. Suseela, Asst.Prof., GCON, Guntur - Jointed and reported for duty as Registrar, APNMC, Vijayawada on 07.10.2020 A/N | 15-10-2020 |
INC Circular - Extension for submission of Nominations to National Florence Nightingale Nurses Award for the year 2020 upto 30th Sep, 2020 | 15-09-2020 |
Circular: Dr. S. Radha Ramana Sree, Registrar, APNMC relieved from duties on 31.08.2020 and Prof. Ch. Sri Lakshmi, DD (Nsg), O/o DME, AP kept as I/C Registrar, APNMC from 01.09.2020 till alternate arrangements are made. | 10-09-2020 |
Most Urgent : APNMC-Colleges/Schools/MPHW(F) Institutions - Submit pending compliance immediately to process validity for admission notification 2020-21 - Reg. | 27-08-2020 |
Notice:Most Urgent -COVID-19 - Enlisted final year Nursing students for Covid duty instructed to join within 48 hours else necessary action initiated. | 25-08-2020 |
APNMC - Postponement of Inspections - Non availability of students at Schools & Colleges of Nursing due to COVID-19 Lockdown - Reg. | 09-07-2020 |
Most Urgent Circular - INC - NUID Enrolment of Registered Nurses - Mandatory with free of cost till 16th Aug, 2020 through online (nrts.indiannursingcouncil.gov.in). | 01-07-2020 |
Attention to all Managements of Schools & Colleges of Nursing - Mandatory to submit the details of students of all courses yearwise at the time of Registrations | 03-06-2020 |
Most Urgent : AISHE - DCF-III upload for 2019-20 on or before 31.05.2020 - Reg | 30-05-2020 |
Reminder: Attention to all Managements/Principals of Schools Colleges of Nursing-To furnish requested students data on by 26th May,2020; 12.00 PM | 26-05-2020 |
Attention: All Principals/Managements of Schools & Colleges of Nursing - Submit the data in the proforma provided (see Circulars). | 23-05-2020 |
Most Urgent: Instructions of DME, A.P. - To report all PBBSc, MSc due for Internship of GNM BSc(N) candidates for COVID-19 duty immediately | 19-05-2020 |
Attention: All Principals of Govt./Private Colleges of A.P. - Online Education - Directions from Dr. NTRUHS - Reg. | 28-04-2020 |
Most Urgent: Extension of Lockdown till 3rd May, 2020 - Registrations/other public related deskwork stopped until further orders - Reg. | 15-04-2020 |
Important Circular: The Office of APNMC Lockdown till 14.04.2020 as per State Govt. Orders | 31-03-2020 |
Important Circular : As per Instructions of the DME, AP, Vijayawada, Candidate Registrations are stopped till 31.03.2020 due to Corona Virus Disease | 20-03-2020 |
APSSDC - APNMC - Collaboration with Health Education England - National Health System - For sending Trained Nurses to UK - Registration Link Provided - To guide the passed out candidates - Reg | 07-01-2020 |
APNMC - 2020 - The Nurse & The Midwife Year - Celebrate the Candle Light March | 31-12-2019 |
List of Colleges of Nursing offering MSc(N) Programme permitted by APNMC for the academic year 2019-20 | 29-11-2019 |
List of Colleges of Nursing offering PBBSc(N) Programme permitted by APNMC for the academic year 2019-20 | 29-11-2019 |
List of Colleges of Nursing offering BSc(N) Programme permitted by APNMC for the academic year 2019-20 | 29-11-2019 |
List of Schools of Nursing offering GNM Programme permitted by APNMC for the academic year 2019-20 | 29-11-2019 |
List of MPHW(F) Training Institutions permitted by APNMC for the academic year 2019-20 | 29-11-2019 |
Attention : All Principals of CON/SON/Teaching Hospitals - Submit CNE Proposals on or before 30th Nov, 2019 | 06-11-2019 |
INC Circular - Measures to eradicate ragging in Colleges. | 28-10-2019 |
Walk-In-Interview for Office assistant-cum-Data Entry Operator at State Nursing Council, Andhra Pradesh on 27th May 2019 at 11:00 AM. | 24-05-2019 |
APVVP-Nsg Estt.-Evasion of payment of Annual Registration Fee by Private Nursing Schools, Colleges and Paramedical Institutions - Instructions Issued - Reg | 20-05-2019 |
Public Notice - Calender of Events for academic year 2019-20 | 11-03-2019 |
All India Survey on Higher Education (AISHE) - Uploading of data for the year 2018-19 | 30-01-2019 |
Most Urgent :DCF-III - Attention to Schools of Nursing to add/register for DCF-III(AISHE) on or before 31-01-2019 | 29-01-2019 |
Most Urgent : Payment of Annual Registration Fee by all the Private Nursing Schools of AP State to APVVP | 07-01-2019 |
Most Urgent : DCF-III- Attention to all the Principal(s) of Schools of Nursing to upload DCF-III for 2018-19 on or before 28-02-2019 | 03-01-2019 |
Circular regarding change of Email Id of APNMC | 05-09-2018 |
Public Notice - Calender of Events for academic year 2018-19 | 07-03-2018 |
DCF-III Circular - Reminder | 19-02-2018 |
Attn to all Prl(s)/Corrspdnts(s) of Pvt MPHW(F) Trng Inst.s of AP to attend meeting on 13-11-2017 at O/o APNMC, Vijayawada at 12 Noon on Jnanabhumi | 10-11-2017 |
Implementation of Nurses Registration & Tracking System (NRTS) for issue of Nurses Unique Identity (NUID) to all Registered Nurses In AP State | 07-08-2017 |
APNMC - Dr. S. Radha Ramana Sree, Asst.Prof., taken charge as Registrar, APNMC on 01-06-2017 | 16-06-2017 |
Change of Fee Structure of Post-matric Scholarships for (02) years MPHW(F) Course - Commissioner, Social Welfare Department of AP (Rc.No.879/RHS.D/2013, dt. 17-11-2015) | 16-06-2017 |
Mrs. Ch. Roja Rani, Registrar, APNMC relieved from duties on 02-12-2016. Prof.P. Vedamani, Deputy Director (Nursing), O/o DME, AP takeover the charge as I/C Registrar, APNMC from 03-12-2016 onwards | 23-03-2017 |
DCF-III - Attention to all the Principal(s) of School of Nursing in AP State | 24-02-2017 |
Most Urgent: Information from SON-CON in AP | 14-02-2017 |
Applications are invited for Florence Nightingale Awards-2017 | 16-01-2017 |
Swasthya Vidya Vahini Programme on 24-12-2016 | 23-12-2016 |
Attention to the Principal(s) of College of Nursing in A.P. who have not attended "Swasthya Vidya Vahini" on 08-12-2016 must attend on 14-12-2016 at Dr. NTRUHS, Vijayawada | 10-12-2016 |
Swasthya Vidya Vahini Programme on 08-12-2016 | 08-12-2016 |
Attention to the Principal(s) of all the Private Colleges of Nursing in Andhra Pradesh | 30-11-2016 |
Calender of Events for 2016-17 | 14-09-2016 |
Report on Anti-Ragging Measures - submit the information to APNMC | 01-09-2016 |
List of Schools of Nursing permitted by APNMC | 11-08-2016 |
Circular regarding admissions | 05-08-2016 |
Govt. Memo - Prior permission of APNMC before Dr. NTRUHS admissions | 17-05-2016 |
DCF -III List of institutions yet to upload data on AISHE website till 25-04-2016 | 26-04-2016 |
DCF -III List of institutions yet to upload data on AISHE website till 02-04-2016 | 02-04-2016 |
GNM Orientation Programme- Workshop on Revised Syllabus to all Govt./Private Schools of Nursing in AP State | 16-03-2016 |
INC guidelines regarding Building Completion Certificate (BCC) | 11-03-2016 |
DCF Circular 05-03-2016 | 05-03-2016 |
Certificate of Course Completion in case of Foreign Nationals | 10-02-2016 |
Inspections for renewal validity-Dec,2015 | 07-12-2015 |
Renewal | 02-11-2015 |
Reminder on IMIS | 22-09-2015 |
Changes in B.Sc(N) Syllabus by INC | 22-09-2015 |
Govt. Memo for Change of address | 22-09-2015 |
Govt. Memo on Inspections of Nursing Institutions | 22-09-2015 |
DCF-III CIRCULAR | 15-06-2015 |
Reminder notice | 16-05-2015 |
Video Conference Schedule of CON | 16-04-2015 |
Video Conference Schedule of MPHW(F) | 16-04-2015 |
WHO DAY GREETINGS | 07-04-2015 |
WHO DAY GREETINGS | 07-04-2015 |
CNE PROPOSALS | 04-04-2015 |
IMIS MEMO | 01-04-2015 |
IMIS CIRCULAR | 30-03-2015 |
National Florence Nightingale' Awards | 02-02-2015 |
Circular to all the Principal of Nursing Colleges/ Schools in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana regarding CNE | 29-12-2014 |
Implementation of Nursing Education Standards | 05-11-2014 |
RESOLUTIONS OF INC-2013 | 05-11-2014 |